Invoicing Servicer



Releasing an Explanation Resolution

Starting an Explanation Resolution enables you to request an explanation from the vendor or to continue an adjustment discussion without creating additional adjustments. Once the vendor responds to your explanation request, you can either reply to the vendor's response with another comment, complete the resolution, or release the invoice back to the vendor. Use this feature to release the invoice to the vendor.

To release the invoice to the vendor:

  1. Run the Pending Resolution Report.
  2. From the Pending Resolution Report results, click the invoice number link corresponding to the invoice resolution you want to release.

    The Invoice Detail screen appears.

  3. With the invoice displaying, click the Resolve link.

    The Resolution window appears.

  4. Click REL.

    The Resolution Add window appears.

  5. From the Action drop-down list, select Release. Select Correct Referral Date from the list when Milestone Billing is turned on and you want to release a Milestone date was not found exception invoice back to the vendor.
  6. Select a reason for the release from the Reason drop-down list.
  7. In the Comments field, type a message as necessary and click Add.

    The Resolution window reappears and displays your resolution comments. The resolution becomes a Release resolution and the invoice is returned to the vendor.

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