Invoicing Servicer



Performing Mass Resolution

You can create an explanation or release resolution for multiple invoices at the same time through the Mass Resolution feature. You can search for a group of invoices that meet specific criteria and place either an explanation resolution or release resolution on the selected invoices.

4786_note You must have Mass Resolution permissions to perform this function. Contact your administrator if you have questions about your ability to perform mass resolution.

4792 You cannot undo a mass resolution.

  1. On the Process menu, click Mass Resolution.

    The Invoice Process - Mass Resolution Invoices screen appears.

  2. Complete the search filters. Select multiple values by pressing the CTRL key and clicking each value.
  3. Click Search.

    The Mass Resolution Invoices screen appears.

  4. In the Action field, select the Release Resolution or Explanation Resolution option.
  5. In the Mass Resolution Reason field, select a reason.
  6. In the Mass Resolution Comment field, type a comment.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • For any invoice you do not want to include in the mass resolution process, clear the check box.
    • To mass select or mass clear all invoices on the report, select or clear the check box beside the Date column.
  8. Click Resolve Now.

    A confirmation message appears.

  9. Click Ok.

    The invoices that you chose for mass resolution are listed on the results screen.

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