Invoicing Servicer



Line Items Tab

The Line Items tab contains an itemized list of charges on an invoice. This tab appears when you view an invoice in both the Invoice Detail screen and Invoice Editor screen. Additionally, a recoverability change indicator, comment, and exception appear if the vendor recommends a change to a line item recoverability.

Invoice Detail

If you are working an invoice in the Invoice Detail screen, you can perform the following tasks or view the following information:

A recoverability change reason, comment and exception appear under the line item if the vendor recommends a line item recoverability change.

Invoice Editor

Access to the Invoice Editor screen is dependent upon the permission group you are assigned. Servicers must be assigned to Invoice Management Servicer Invoice to create a general services invoice. Contact your company's system administrator for more details.

If you are creating an invoice in the Invoice Editor screen, you can perform the following tasks:

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