Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Editing an Invoice Lock Reason

Administrators have the ability to add a reason selection to the Lock Reason drop-down list that appears to servicers, outsourcers, or REO/vendor outsourcers, when they manually lock an invoice. 

4786_note This feature is only available to users configured to the Invoice Locking Admin permission group.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Setup, Reason Code Maintenance, then click Invoice Lock Reason.

    The Manage Invoice Locking Reasons screen appears.

  2. Click View Report.

    The Manage Invoice Locking Reasons report appears.

  3. Click the Edit button for the invoice lock reason you want to modify.

    The Edit Invoice Lock Reason window appears.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • To activate the invoice lock reason, select Activated.
    • To inactivate the invoice lock reason, select Deactivated.
  5. Click Save.

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