Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Creating Special Handling

Use this feature to flag a loan for special handling when a loan is in a special handling condition. There can only be one special handling condition on a loan at a time.

4786_note This feature is only available to users configured to the Special Handling permission group.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Maintenance, Loan Level Processing, and click Manage Special Handling.

    The Manage Special Handling search filter appears.

  2. In the Loan Number field, type the loan number of the loan requiring the special handling flag.
  3. Click Look up.

    The system verifies the loan to determine if it has been flagged. If it has not been flagged, the following message appears: No Special Handling flag on loan. Proceed to step 4. If a flag is present, the loan's special handling details appear. If you want to modify these details, see Editing Special Handling.

  4. In the Special Handling Eff Date field, type or select a date the special handling is to take effect.
  5. In the Special Handling End Date field, type or select a date the special handling is to expire.
  6. In the Special Handling Message field, type a reason for the special handling.
  7. In the Special Handling Message viewable to Vendor field, do one of the following:
    • To display the special handling message to the vendor, select the check box.
    • To display the special handling message to only servicers, clear the check box.
  8. Click Save.

    A confirmation message appears.

  9. Click OK.

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