Invoicing Servicer



Invoice Routing Report

Use this report to display a list of routing activity taken per invoice. Approved invoices do not appear on this report.

To review the options available on invoices with active routing activity, see Recalling a Routed Invoice Initiated by You and Responding to an Invoice Routed to You.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Process and click Invoice Routing.

    The Invoice Routing Report search filters appear.

    4786_note The filters that appear on the screen depend on your role (servicer, outsourcer, REO outsourcer).

  2. Complete the filters. Select multiple values by pressing the CTRL key and clicking each value.
  3. To display only active routing activity invoices, select the Include Only Active check box.
  4. To display loans that have been closed or cancelled within a certain date range, type or select the date range in the Cancelled and Closed Only From and To fields.
  5. To display REO Broker Department invoices that do not have a status, select the Show All REO Invoice check box.
  6. Click Search.

    The Invoice Routing Report appears.

  7. To view additional invoice details, click an invoice number link.

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