Invoicing Servicer



Chronology Tab

Use this tab to view all actions taken on an invoice from creation to payment. The system tracks all edits to line items and deletion of line items, regardless of status or source (manually created vs. vendor import), on this tab. Additionally, the system tracks imported, routed, approved, outsourcer recommended approval, un-approved, outsourcer removed recommended approval, locked, unlocked, audited, revalidated invoices, line items replicated for assignment of CAW Code, replicated line items deleted, and denied invoices. Refer to Invoice Status for more descriptions of the statuses in the Action column.

You can filter this tab by selecting a filter option from the Action Filter drop-down list.

If an invoice was locked, you can click on the Lock link in the Action column. An Invoice Lock Reason window displays with the reason the invoice was locked. If the invoice was unlocked, you can click on the Unlock link. An Invoice Unlock Reason window displays with the reason the invoice was unlocked.

4786_note When an audit has a status of Placed in Audit, InvoicingSM creates an Audit Created invoice chronology event. When an audit has one of the following statuses, InvoicingSM creates an Audit Completed invoice chronology event:

- Audit Passed
- Removed from Audit
- Removed from Audit (Unapproved)
- Mass Removed from Audit
- Failed in Error

All other audit actions are recorded on the audit chronology rather than the invoice chronology.

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