Invoicing Servicer



Invoice Queue Descriptions

Invoice queues appear based on your permissions, and your company system administrator configures the My Invoices queue when creating your account. The administrator selects specific criteria to filter incoming invoices for you to work based on your job role. For example, if your job role is to work invoices for a specific vendor in the state of California, InvoicingSM automatically places invoices that meet those criteria in the My Invoices queue.

As you make processing decisions on the invoice, the invoice status may change, moving the invoice to another queue.

Actions performed by users with view-only permission do not change the invoice status.


Invoices reviewed and cleared for approval by a servicer whose approval limit is less than the invoice amount.


Invoices selected for the audit process based on criteria set by the servicer.


Invoices in Reviewed or Submitted status that have an exception as defined by your company configuration.

My Invoices

Totals for Past Due and Exceptions queues are not included in the My Invoices total. When a user's pending approval defaults contains one or more users in the Processor filter, the My Invoices results contain active invoices for which the selected user(s) took the last chronology action that was not Reviewed, Returned, or Audit Complete. The system then returns active invoices that are based on other pending approval defaults and have no previous chronology actions except Reviewed, Returned, or Audit Complete. If the Processor filter on the user's pending approval defaults contains no names, My Invoices results do not filter by processor name.

Past Due

Any unprocessed invoices based on your company configuration. Past due invoices are not included in the My Invoices total.

Pending Resolution

Invoices with an incomplete resolution action.

Pending Routes

Invoices routed within the servicer organization (each servicer will see invoices routed to them in this queue).

Pending Servicer Approval

Invoices with an adjustment and/or resolution returned by the vendor (vendor agrees with the adjustment and/or resolution).

Pending Servicer Review

Invoices with an adjustment and/or resolution returned by the vendor (vendor disagrees with the adjustment and/or resolution). This queue also contains invoices that have been unapproved or un-denied.

Pending Vendor Review

Adjusted invoices to which the vendor has not responded within the established time frame. The servicer can curtail the invoices.


Invoices opened by a servicer with approval permission. Submitted invoices opened by users with read-only permission retain a submitted status.


Invoices submitted by a vendor, broker or outsourcer.

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