Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Reviewing Existing Servicer Invoice Guidelines

Use this feature to search for and review existing servicer invoice guidelines that are already established. You can also create and edit servicer invoice guidelines. See Managing an Existing Servicer Invoice Guideline and Adding a New Servicer Invoice Guideline for more details.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Maintenance, Guideline Maintenance and click Configure Guidelines.

    The Configure Guidelines screen appears.

  2. Click the Servicer Invoice tab.
  3. Select the search options.
  4. To include deactivated guidelines, select Show Deactivated.
  5. To include expired guidelines, select Show Expired.
  6. Click Search.

    The Configure Guidelines screen refreshes with the search results.

4786_note For information related to printing, exporting, or sorting reports, see Report Options.

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