Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Managing Order Amount

Use this feature to define the number of days an order is active and the maximum order amount for each department.

4786_note You must be assigned to the InvoicingSM Servicer Order Limits permission group to perform these steps.

To manage order limits and days active:

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Maintenance, Servicer's Order Limits and click Manage Order Amount.

    The Manage Order Amount screen appears.

  2. In the Order Expires In (days) field, type the number of days that the order should remain active.

    4786_note If this field has a value other than zero, an Expiration Date field appears on the Servicer Order Wizard, and any attempts to type an expiration date greater than the number of days in this field produce an error message.

  3. In the Appraisal, BPO and AVM department fields, type the maximum dollar amount for which an order can be submitted. InvoicingSM will not import any order that exceeds the allowable amount.
  4. Click Save.

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