Invoicing Servicer



Payment Request Total by Processor

Use this report to view a summary of payment request totals by the servicer user who approved the invoices. Click a user name link to display details. This report includes invoice totals, which enables the user to compare the invoice amounts to the actual amounts requested and to identify any credits that may create an out-of-balance situation. If the date range is greater than one day, the results are separated and subtotaled by date.

To review the Payment Request Total By Processor report:

  1. On the toolbar, point to Process and click Payment Request Total By Processor.

    The Payment Request Total by Processor Report search filters appear.

  2. Complete the search filters.
  3. In the Exported Date Range fields, type or select the date range.
  4. Click Search.

    The Payment Request Total by Processor report appears.

  5. If necessary, do one of the following:
    • To view the invoices the processor has worked, click the user name link under the Processor column.
    • To display a list of invoices associated to the loan number, click a loan number under the Loan # column.
    • To view specific details about the invoice, click an invoice number under the Invoice # column.
    • To view a breakdown of the DDC1 total amount, click the dollar amount under the DDC1 Total column.
    • To export the data to Microsoft® Excel, click the Export link.

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