Invoicing Servicer



Payment Info by Date Report

Use this report to view check/ACH number information by vendor and by transaction code after InvoicingSM imports check/ACH numbers. Items missing check/ACH numbers represent unpaid items; use this report to help balance invoices.

Users assigned to the View/Edit Payment Information by Date Report permission can edit check/ACH numbers from this report.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Reports and click Payment Info by Date.

    The Reports - Payments Information by Date search filters appear.

  2. Complete the search filters.
  3. In the Exported Date Range fields, type or select the date range.
  4. Click Search.

    The Payment Info by Date Report appears.

  5. If necessary, do one of the following:
    • To view additional invoice details, click an invoice number link.
    • To edit a check/ACH number, modify the number under the Edit Check/ACH # column and click Post.

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