Invoicing Servicer



Mass Removing a Final Bill

4786_note To use this option, you must be assigned to the Invoice Management Mass Remove Final Bill permission group. Contact your company's system administrator for more details.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Loan Level and click Mass Remove Final Bill.

    The Mass Remove Final Bill search filters appear.

  2. If necessary, in the Servicer Loan No. field, type a loan number.
  3. From the Vendor Name, Department, and Reason Code drop-down lists, select the data value to filter on.
  4. In the From and To fields, type or select the desired date range.
  5. Click Search.

    The Mass Remove Final Bill screen appears.

    4786_note The date range cannot exceed 90 days.

  6. Select the Remove check box next to each bill item you want to delete.

    4786_note To clear the checked bill items and begin again, select the Deselect All check box at the end of the bill list screen.

  7. In the Comment field, type an explanation up to 255 characters.
  8. Click Remove Final Bill.

    A confirmation window appears.

  9. Click OK.

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