Invoicing Servicer



Locked Invoice Report

Use this feature to view locked invoice information, including the lock date, the person who locked the invoice, and the number of days the invoice has been locked. An unlock date appears if the invoice was unlocked. You can also open the invoice from this report.

4786_note To access the Locked Invoice Report, users need to be configured to the Invoice Locking Admin permission group. Contact your company's system administrator for more details.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Reports and click Locked Invoice Report.

    The Locked Invoice Report search filters appear.

  2. Complete any combination of the following search criteria:
    • In the Processor, Vendor, Invoice Type, Invoice Status and Lock Reason drop-down lists, select a data filter.
    • In the Invoice Number field, type an invoice number.
    • In the Loan Number field, type a loan number.
    • In the Invoice Total Starting $ Range and Invoice Total Ending $ Range fields, type a dollar amount. You can enter negative amounts.
    • In the Days Locked From and To fields, type a number of days range invoices have been locked.
    • In the Date Locked From and To fields, type or select the dates.
  3. Click Search.

    The Locked Invoice report appears.

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