Invoicing Servicer



Loan Expense/Information Report

Use this report to display a list of paid and unpaid invoices for a specific loan. Additional information, such as special handling, appears when applicable.

To review the Loan Expense report:

  1. On the toolbar, point to Loan Level and click Loan Expense\Information Report.

    The Loan Expense\Information Report search filters appear.

    4786_note To filter the report by additional criteria, click the Advanced Search link.

  2. In the Enter Loan Number field, type the loan number associated to the invoice you want to view.
  3. If available, type an asset number in the Enter Asset Number field.

    4786_note If you enter numbers in both the Asset Number and Loan Number fields, the system searches for the loan number first. If the system finds the loan number, it checks to ensure that the asset number matches the loan number. If the system does not find the loan number, an error message appears.

  4. Click Search.

    The Loan Expense/Information Report appears.

  5. Use the following options as needed:

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