Invoicing Servicer



Invoice Detail Event Line

The Invoice Event Line contains the following:

Dates for the following actions appear:


The date the vendor initially submitted the invoice to the servicer.

1st Reviewed

The date the servicer first reviewed the invoice.

Last Reviewed

The date the invoice was last reviewed.


The date a processor with a limited approval level (less than what the invoice amount is for) accepted the invoice and awaits approval by a processor with a higher approval level.

O/S Recommend Approval

The date the servicer's outsourcer sent the recommended invoice approval to the servicer. This column appears only if the servicer uses an outsourcer to process invoices.


The date the servicer approved the invoice.

Chk Requested

The date the servicer submits the payment request for processing.

Chk Confirmed

The date the check was sent to the vendor.

Days to Proc

The total number of days from when the invoice is initially submitted to when it is approved. Note: If the Approved column is blank, the system is still calculating the number of days to process.

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