Invoicing Servicer |
At the top of the Invoice Detail screen, a list of action options appear as links. Use the action links to perform various tasks on the invoice. The availability of each link depends on the status of the invoice, whether data exists, and your system configuration.
Approve or unapprove an invoice for payment. If your role is an outsourcer, the link appears as one of the following:
Approve appears as Recommended for Approval.
Unapprove appears as Remove Recommended Approval.
Communicate with the vendor. You can deny an invoice, return it for clarification, release it back to the vendor for correction or curtail.
Direct an invoice to a specific user to review and answer questions about the invoice.
Review a log of eMessages for a specific invoice. You can then open a specific message and reply or forward it to another person.
Review and add comments to a loan that can be viewed by the user creating it or all users.
In situations where you are due a refund by the vendor but have not received the reimbursement, review servicer credit data.
Display the invoice in a printable format which allows you to print.
Create eMessage
Create a new eMessage for the invoice. When you create an eMessage from this page, the loan and invoice number automatically appear in the message.
Curtailment Threshold
Override the default curtailment date on the invoice by a selected number of days.
Lock/Unlock Invoice
Lock and unlock the invoice.
Audit Detail
View chronology details of the invoice audit which include the date of the audit, auditor name, audit action and comments. This link appears if the invoice has been audited.
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