Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Missing Loan Entry

This feature allows servicer administrators and super administrators to add or update loans that were reported as not available within InvoicingSM. All changes made to this option are recorded in the Admin Activity Log.

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Maintenance, Loan Level Processing and click Missing Loan Entry.

    The Missing Loan Recovery/Loan Data Update search criteria filters appear.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add a new loan, go to step 3.
    • To edit an existing loan, enter the loan number in the Loan Number field and click Get Loan.

      The screen is populated with the loan information.

  3. Type new or modify existing information in the available fields.

    4786_note If you have NIS permissions, the Servicer field is available and enables you to select the servicer for which you are adding or updating loan information.

    For both NIS and servicer administrators, the Consumer Ind Type and Consumer Loan Legal State fields are available only when you specify Consumer in the Loan Type drop-down list.

  4. Click Submit Loan.

    A message appears at the bottom of the screen stating that the loan was either added or updated. When the loan is added to the system, it is available under the servicer/subservicer specified.

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