Invoicing Servicer Administrator



Enabling Override Adjust Resolutions Threshold

This feature enables you to perform the following:

  1. On the toolbar, point to Client Setup and click Invoice Circulation Options.

    The Circulation Options screen appears.

  2. In the Default Curtail Adjust/Resolution Threshold field, type the default number of days the system should follow for the curtailment date threshold.
  3. For the Override Default Curtail Adjust/Resolution Threshold field, perform the following:
    • Select the Enable check box.
    • Using the list box, select each value that should appear in the Curtailment Threshold window that opens when processors choose to override the default threshold.

      4786_note You can select multiple values by pressing the CTRL key and clicking each selection. You can select All to enable all the values to appear for the processor.

  4. Click Update.

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